The Republican Party of Kentucky
Following Mitch’s Money, Presentation by Doug Price on July 13th, 2020
I am going to talk about the Republican Party of KY (RPK) and highlighting donations from Mitch and those connected to him including family.
It’s always a good idea to know your subject so my first step was to view the RPK web site. The first thing I saw were the words: Making Kentucky Great Again. How original! MKYGA instead of MAGA?
The next tab was the Who We ARE:
Republicans throughout Kentucky come from all walks of life and from every area of our Commonwealth. Republicans are unified by the concept of the primacy of the individual and by an opposition to large, intrusive government. In every county and community in Kentucky, the individual is the heart and soul of our party.
Ok — let’s see. Control of a woman’s body, control of high prices for medicines, waiving rules that contribute to affecting climate change, approving tax cuts that affect only the rich, passing voter suppression, trying to divert funding from public schools to For Profit private schools — Yeah, all of that sounds like the Republican Party cares about the individual.
More from the website: Throughout the 20th century, Republicans candidates in Kentucky ran and won on platforms of rooting out corruption in government, reducing wasteful government spending, balancing the budget, and promoting economic growth and prosperity.
Nice words but actions that really do the things of the above platform have been lacking.
There is still plenty of corruption in Government, reducing wasteful spending and balancing the budget has become a method of reducing benefits for those who need the most help. During a future segment I’ll talk about the Payroll Protection Program and how Mitch and Trump helped all of those “individuals” like his wife’s fathers firm.
Here is the make-up of the Officers (9) and Executive Committee of the KY Republican Party: 28 white men and 22 white women. Is this representative of the people of Kentucky?
One item that doesn’t make any sense — I could not find that RPK is registered with the KY Sec of State. Are political parties not required to register with the KY Sec of State? The Democratic State Headquarters of Kentucky is registered.
Now let’s dwell into who controls the KY Republican Party.
Of course, money plays a part. Let’s look at donations to the Party.
Donors with the last name of Chao have contributed $230,000 to the RPK. Mitch’s brother-in-law has given $50,000 and Mitch has only given $10,000.
Having said that it is my belief that while Mitch does not have an official position with RPK he still is able to contact and call the shots. I wonder how high they jump when he calls? I wonder if he makes donation calls on behalf of RPK?
It is obvious that Mitch has inserted himself into Kentucky politics. Our Sec of State Michael Adams, our Attorney General Daniel Cameron and our Ag Commissioner Ryan Quarles all could be considered acolytes of Mitch.
RPK is flush. They have a cadre of dedicated givers. This year apparently the maximum that can be given is $15,000. RPK had at least 5 donations in that category and over 100 who donated $10,000 each. Here are some figures from the 2020 election cycle: $5.4 million in donations, disbursements of $3.4 million and cash on hand of $2.7 million.
Now for some insight into other donations from people, businesses to the RPK.
There is a PayDay lender in Tennessee with locations in Kentucky who gave $35,000 to the RPK. What does this lender hope to obtain by donating these funds? The Good Government as described by RPK? Or perhaps regulations that help the PayDay lender. I believe that KY Senator Damon Thayer is a fan of PayDay lenders — perhaps all Republicans are.
Here are some other head scratchers: The Kentucky Addiction Center donated $10,000. This organization is based in Texas with offices in Central Kentucky. I found a couple of billionaires in Texas who each gave $10,000. A conservative donor from Jackson Hole, WY donated $10,000.
Apologies to Earl Pitts creator Gary Burbank: I’d like to end this segment with my words from the philosopher laureate of the South, Earl Pitts.
This is Earl Pitts, Uhmerican. Ya know what makes me sick? Ya know what makes me want to spit a turbacca chew 40 feet from where I stand to hit the side of that barn right in the middle of the Texas Gasoline sign? It’s those mamby pamby politicians who always come out ‘bout election time. Why I saw Mitchell McConnell on the tellyvision the other day. Atalking ‘bout giving money for this and that.
Wake Up Hamerika. We don’t need politicians like Mitch giving us a little bit of that Washington money (really that’s our money, ain’t it?) trying to buy our votes? And at the same time asking people to stuff money in his pockets in order to get reee-elected. We need to send him Apacking. I told Pearl the other day that some people say Mitch looks like a turtle — well, to be quite honest that is an insult to all turtles. I think that Mitch is just in pain — he has a constipation problem. Maybe somebody can send him some prunes at his office in Lexington and that will help him move things along like the 395 bills from the House that would help us.
Ahm Earl Pitts Uh merican Pitts Off
Folks — I agree with that sentiment. Mitch
Please take the Money and Go. It is time for us to Retire Mitch on November 3, 2020.
Doug Price is a member/treasurer of the MMRC and a regular participant on the #MoscowMitchMonday live stream, discussing Mitch and Money. Doug is an advocate of governmental change on the State/Federal level and has periodically worked on Democratic campaigns dating back to the 80s. Follow Doug on Twitter @ PriceDoug